The Birth Tutor
Childbirth Education Classes
You're in the right place for experienced childbirth education!
Do you know how fantastic birth can be?
Are you excited to learn about ways you can prepare now for the birth
you dream about?
Do you want to learn from an expert
who will help you approach birth with joy and confidence?
Take a class with us!
Private and Group Classes Available.
Expert. Empathetic. Interactive.
Classes available both on-line via Zoom and in the comfort of your own home.
Meet The Birth Tutor
Ruth Underhill
RN, BSN, MFA, Childbirth Educator
Perinatal/Obstetric Nurse
Dear Parents,
Welcome to the Birth Tutor LLC website. This childbirth education company is owned by Ruth Underhill who also teaches all the Birth Tutor classes online or in person.
Ruth is an experienced Perinatal Registered Nurse and Childbirth Educator. She attended her first birth as a new nurse in 2005. Ruth spent almost her entire career specializing in birth care of women and infants.
Ruth attends birth all over the country and has been present at thousands of births where she offers expertise, compassion and empowerment to her clients. Unlike some childbirth educators, Ruth has hands on birth experience from a wide variety of care settings. She knows many options for normal birth care and brings a broad view to what is normal, available and sometimes necessary in your birth.
Births in critical access rural hospitals, community hospitals, metropolitan highest risk birth centers and specialized university hospitals are among the locations where she has educated thousands of families in the midst of their birth journeys. She has worked in low risk communities as well as in facilities with renowned specialized care for high risk births. Birth is a natural process full of many similarities no matter the story and it also is as unique as each individual.
Birth Tutor classes provide practical advice about birth and early parenting in on-line, interactive classes.
Ruth trained in childbirth education at the Bastyr University Simkin Center in Seattle with International Childbirth Education Association (ICEA). She has also been mentored by experienced childbirth educators across the country. She teaches in hospitals, community settings and private homes. Ruth teaches from her home in Southeast Alaska where she also writes about birth inside the Tongass National Rainforest. The Tongass is a wilderness full of constant regeneration. It literally flows with new life.
What is Included in Class Series?
Classes focus on the importance of trusting your intuition, your chosen birth team, your body and your baby throughout the birth process.
Class also refers you to a variety of respected resources such as Spinning Babies, Evidence Based Birth, In Joy Curriculum, current standards of ACOG, AWHONN, ACNM, March of Dimes, World Health Organization, DONA, and much more. Class is full of engaging activities, useful tools and plenty of back and forth discussion with pregnant people and their chosen birth partners.
Your class with Birth Tutor LLC includes many of the following topics:
Healthy Pregnancy Norms
Birth Partner Involvement Toward Teamwork
Preparations For Birth
Partner Expectations; a Conversation
Doulas and Other Supportive Professionals
Comfort in Birth &
Aroma/Hypno/Hydro/Music/Touch/ Temperature Therapies, Importance of Environment and People, Distraction
Signs of Labor & Patience When Possible
Movement in the 3rd Trimester and Birth
The Birth Process (Stages of Labor)
Pushing Tips, Tricks and Physiology
Your Baby and You at Birth: The First Minute and First Hour
Common Medications
Common Medical Procedures in Birth
Common Monitoring Options and Requirements
Birth Care Models Across the Country: Ob/Gyn, Midwife, Family Practice, Birth Center, Home Birth
Common Complications and Treatments
Vaginal Birth
Ceserean Birth
Vaginal Birth After Ceserean Birth if Applicable
The Fourth Trimester/ Post-Partum
Communication With Your Birth Team and Birth Partner and How Communication Heals
Current National Standards and Where To Find Them
Rituals and Rhythms in Birth That Work For You
Navigating a New Birth Experience
Reach out today and book your online childbirth education class with Birth Tutor LLC.
Classes are online in real time and interactive. You can schedule private or community classes.
Birth Tutor is offering 3 packages for childbirth classes right now:
(1) Community Class Series (2) Hybrid Class Series or (3) Private Class Series
Hybrid Classes are a great way to enjoy community but also schedule some classes on your own schedule.
FREE 15 minute informational phone chats are available to interested parents.
Send an e-mail to birthtutor@gmail.com for more information or register on our Class Offerings page.
A woman is the full circle. Within her is the power to create, nurture and transform.
Diane Mariechild
Schedule Your Class
Want to hear more about offerings? Send an e-mail to the address below. We look forward to hearing from you!